Pride! is a LGBTQ+ themed, invite only zine centered around the relationship between Bakugou and Deku, from My Hero Academia. The zine will be completely SFW, and will focus on the everyday life, struggles, and joy of queer people!This zine will be a physical, for charity zine. All proceeds will be donated to the Trevor Project, an organization dedicated to saving young queer lives. Check out their website for more information.If you have any questions, feel free to DM us on Twitter, Tumblr, or send us a message through our Curious Cat!
What is a zine?
A zine (short for fanzine) is a themed collection of works put together by a group of people passionate about a certain topic, show, or series. They usually take the form of physical booklets accompanied by merchandise such as charms, stickers, and the like.What is this project?Pride! is a SFW, invite only, BakuDekuBaku LGBTQ+ themed zine. Which means it will feature both Deku and Bakugou in any situation that relates to the queer community! Be proud of who you are!What kinds of things do you consider as LGBTQ+ themed?Anything related to queer people! It can include coming out, self discovery, dating, expressing yourself, going to pride, and more. We are here to celebrate all aspects of the LGBTQ+ community.Is this even for Profit or Charity?This is a for charity project. All proceeds recieved past our break even point will be donated to the Trevor Project. The Trevor Project is an organization that helps save lives of young queers. Check out their website for more info.What content will be allowed?Only SFW content will be allowed in the zine. There will be no NSFW content in the zine, or the merch. We consider NSFW content as anything sexual, nudity, extreme gore, heavy drug use, etc. There is a more detailed description in our guidelines.Please note that we will not disqualify people who create this content in their own time.Why are there no contributor applications?
Since this in an invite only zine, contributors will not be applying. Instead, we will invite content creators. The reason we are doing this is because if we cut out applications, it will give more creation time for our lovely contributors to make their pieces. Please don't let this discourage you! In our interest check there will be a spot to recc yourself, as well as other people.How many contributors will you be accepting (not including guests)?The exact number of artists, and writers will depend on interest.How will contributors be compensated?
Minimum, contributors will receive a free digital copy of the zine, and the ability to buy the products at manufacturing price. If we reach our break even point, all contributors will receive a physical copy of the zine, including merch, shipped to them free of charge. Any additional profit will be donated to charity.Do I have to be 18+ to participate?Yes. Even though the zine itself is SFW, due to labor laws, and the personal comfort of the mods and the other participant, all contributors must be over the age of 18. However, people under the age of 18 are allowed to buy the zine with parental consent.Will this be a physical zine or digital?If we get enough interest, this will be a physical zine! However, whether the zine is physical or not, there will be an option to get a digital PDF version of it.Will there be merch?If we get enough interest, we will have both physical and digital merch. The specific type of merch will be determined by out interest check.Is the zine ship-centric or will gen content be allowed?This zine will be focused on the ship of Bakugou Katsuki x Izuku Midoriya.Will underage characters be featured?In a NSFW context, no, as this zine is only SFW. In a SFW context, then there is a possibility. Participants are more than welcome to create content with characters that are under 18.Will there be themes that might be considered dark/dead dove?No, as this is a SFW zine.If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us through our Twitter DMs, or through our Curious Cat.
Contributors must be over the age of 18 by the time they are accepted into the zine. Anyone found to be lying about being an adult will be banned from the zine. All communications are going to be done though the zine server. Contributors must join the server and communicate regularly through check ins.Expectations:
All pieces made for this project are required to be original, and are to be kept secret until a given date.
The creation period is from Jan 15th, to May 15th. Contributors are expected to abide by this schedule, and complete their works by the due date.Page Artist Requirements:
Artists are expected to create at least one new and original piece for the zine. The piece can be a single page, or a double page spread.
Spot art is allowed, and encouraged (but not at all required) when collaborating with a writer. If they want, artists can make 3 (or more) at least flat colored spot art for a fic instead of a full page art.Merch Artist Requirements:
Merch artists are expected to create new and original merch designs for the zine.
Merch artists will be assigned 1-3 items depending on their complexity. Specific items will be assigned on invitation.Writer Requirements:
Writers are expected to create a new and original pieces for the zine. Writers will be given 2.5k to 5k words to use as they like. They can make one long fic, multiple short fics, poetry, etc. as long as the total word count is between that range. Any drabbles or fics must be at least 500 words.Content Guidelines:
All works must focus on Bakugou and Deku. While polyamorous relationships will be allowed, Bakugou and Deku must be the main focus, rather than their partner(s). The partner(s) can be featured in the work equally to Bakugou and Deku, so long as they do not take away the attention from either of them.
As this is a SFW zine, no NSFW content will be allowed. We consider NSFW as: explicit sex/sexual scenes, extreme gore, extreme drug use/drug overdose, explicit complete nudity (underwear and more is ok).
Things like changing, taking a shower, etc are not considered explicit nudity
Mention/talking about sex is allowed, as long as it’s not in an explicit manner (For example, mentioning the lack of sex, or talking about boundaries is ok, but sexting is not).

♡ Dani ♡
Social Media/ Writing Mod
Hi hi hello! I'm Dani and I cant wait to bring this zine to life with the essence of Pride Month!